IrisVR Blog

IrisVR Archtober Events - Communicating the Unbuilt in Virtual Reality

Written by Shane | Aug 25, 2016


We're excited to host a series of events during Archtober, New York City's Architecture and Design Month, featuring the Freshkills Park Development Team/NYC Parks, SCAPE Landscape Architecture, NY RisingPei Cobb Freed & Partners, Ennead Architects, with our media sponsors The Architect's Newspaper.  Please join us!  Attendees will have the opportunity to try out the latest virtual reality technology and experience unbuilt projects using Prospect and Scope.

Thursday, October 6 - Parks of the Future Workshop

On Thursday, October 6th, the Freshkills Park Development Team/New York City Parks Department will highlight parks of the future at the Staten Island Arts Culture Lounge at the St. George Ferry Terminal from 7:00pm - 9:00pm.  Use virtual reality to tour SCAPE Landscape Architecture's winning design for Living Breakwaters in the South Shore of Staten Island.  See additional details here.

Thursday, October 20 - Communicating the Unbuilt: Pei Cobb Freed & Partners Projects in Virtual Reality

On Thursday, October 20th, Pei Cobb Freed & Associates will host a two hour event at their office.  Designers will speak about their projects and how they leverage virtual reality technology to improve communication and delivery of ideas.  After the presentation, attendees will be invited to explore the 3D models of the unbuilt projects highlighted in the presentation.  Cocktails and light hors d'oeuvres will be provided. 

Wednesday, October 26 - Communicating the Unbuilt: Ennead and Virtual Reality

On Wednesday, October 26th, Ennead Architects will open their doors and explore the boundary between the real and unreal.  With a new suite of unreal tools at their fingertips, they're able to transcend previous limitations, transforming their design process and elevating the performance of real environments.  The team will present current projects and attendees will be able to explore 3D models of the projects highlighted in virtual reality.  Cocktails and light hors d'oeuvres will be provided.